Thursday, May 17, 2012

You’ve Got This in the Bag (or It’s All About the Shopping Experience!)

You might take your weekly (or daily) trips to the grocery store for granted… or maybe you have come to realize that “You Can’t Eat it if You Don’t Have It”. (If that sounds familiar it is because it is the first Power Start session!) The truth is, you have to learn to make those trips work for you in terms of ‘good foods.”

Let’s try an experiment this week: I am giving you TWO (one seemed too limiting) brown paper shopping bags. Your mission (should you accept it) will be to take a stroll through the aisles of your favorite grocery store and fill those two bags with the foods that will lead most to your weight loss success (or weight maintenance success) this week.

Choose wisely! (You only get 2 bags to last you the whole week!)

Here are some hints that were suggested by the members in the meeting room this week:
Make a list, spotlighting Power Foods. (Hint: shopping the advertising circulars really helps spotlight the great deals.) Eat something before you go shopping! (Less impulse buying!) Shop the perimeter. (Most stores are laid out with the “healthy foods that spoil” on the outside edges of the store!) Take your calculator or smart phone. (You will want to know about an item before you buy it!) Shop alone! (Or take your book end!) Shop when it is not busy in the store! Don’t be tempted by the ‘impulse items’ in the checkout line! Take your cookbook along so you don’t miss a key ingredient.

How are you coming with filling up your 2 brown bags? Can you really make that happen? Of course! What will be the outcome of this mission? Weight loss success, which leads to Living the Weight Loss Dream!!

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