Wednesday, August 5, 2015

All I Really Need to Know (About participating in a 5K) I learned at Weight Watchers...

Life really overlaps, and sometimes the best lessons we learn about one thing are learned at another. If you've ever been to a WW meeting, I hope you learned the lessons that will help you elsewhere in life...
All I Really Need to Know About Participating in a 5K Run/Walk I learned at Weight Watchers

1.People will cheer for you even though they do not know who you are.
2. Some people go faster than you and some people go slower; some people pass you and then you pass them. The finish line stays in the same place no matter what.
3.You can go forward or stand still; the option of going backwards is available but not attractive.
4. There will always be challenges – dealing with the circumstances is just a part of the event.
5. Starting is the most scary and exciting part.
6. Preparing is an important component. The better you feel physically and mentally, the better you will feel at the end.
7. Whatever the outcome of the race on that particular day, there is always a new outcome available in the days to come.
8. Going a distance, making a new mark, meeting a new challenge, and feeling good about yourself are all important components.
9. No matter what the outcome, tomorrow is always a new day and a new opportunity.
10. No matter what, you have to believe.